Dental Implant

Dental Implants In Lake Forest

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Whether you have a single missing tooth or no teeth left at all, a dental implant based treatment can provide a long term solution to allow you to eat and smile with total confidence.

Dental implants have been available for many years and as longer term scientific studies have become available, it is clear that the long term success of dental implants is extremely high. For many patients, dental implants are the gold standard dental treatment.
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If most or all of the teeth are missing then implant supported dentures may be an option. For full denture wearers, retention is often a big problem as bone support recedes. Even the best fitting dentures can feel loose. A full upper denture also requires a large area over the palate to obtain suction which can interfere with taste and the enjoyment of food. Implant supported dentures on the other hand are firmly clipped in and do not require the palate to be covered for suction.

Dental implants in Lake Forest are incorporated with other treatments such as crowns, bridges and veneers as part of full smile makeovers or full mouth reconstructions following the same processes of smile design.