Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain Dental Crowns at Lake Forest

porcelain crowns lake forest

Porcelain crowns are used to restore severely broken teeth. Our dental crowns at Lake Forest are all made of porcelain, like veneers, and look every bit as natural, leaving no black line at the gum level as seen with some traditional crowns. Crowns are extremely versatile and can be used to align crowding or protruding teeth, close gaps or lighten tooth color. The strength and appearance of our porcelain dental crowns rival that of natural teeth and are used to make long lasting changes to the smile.

Porcelain dental crowns can be used to mask a single dark tooth, but more often are used as part of smile makeover. At our clinic, our smile makeovers start at the consultation where we find out what patients don’t like about their teeth and what type of smile is required. Computer aided smile design is then used to design the smile and to fine tune the required tooth shapes and color to the patient’s wishes.

When the patient is ready to proceed with treatment, the next step is to create a 3d preview model. Our ceramist uses the computer aided smile design to create this 3d version of the smile so it can be checked from all angles for aesthetics and function.

Porcelain crowns are then provided as planned, over two main treatment appointments. At the first appointment, any broken down teeth are built up first, then the teeth are prepared. This process involves trimming back a thin layer from around the tooth to make room for the crown. Impressions are taken and temporary crowns are made using a template made from the 3d preview model. Importantly, this gives our patients an opportunity to trial the planned smile design in their own mouths before the crowns are made. Any changes or fine adjustments can be made to the temporaries and reproduced in the final crowns. All crowns are made with this technique at our clinic.

These treatments are all carried out using our pain-free anesthetic techniques.

Porcelain crowns are then fitted at the second main treatment appointment. Our crowns are fitted with a multi-layer bonding system that bonds the crowns to the teeth with unparalleled strength. The crowns are polished and bite checked and then revealed to our patients. We also see our patients a few days later to check that all is well when they’ve had some time to use them and eat with them. At that appointment, we also take portrait photos for our patients to take away with them.